The 30th Fernando Rielo World Prize for Mystcal Poetry

28 June 2010
The 30th Fernando Rielo World Prize for Mystcal Poetry

The aim of the mystical poetry is to confess one's faith. The human word, as the image and likeness of the divine word with a mystical brushstroke must trace out a language of hidden perfumed essences, unevasively summoning up man's heavenly destiny.

Brief History:

The World Prize was created by Fernando Rielo in 1981 with the aim of promoting mystical poetry and finding and making known those poets that unite an elevated spirituality to an authentic literary expression. When this double-premise is not fulfilled, the Prize is awarded, rather than declaring it void, to true poets who, though they cannot be considered mystics in a strict sense, contribute a work worthy of note. The works submitted to the World Prize of Mystical Poetry must be written in Spanish or English or translated to one of these two languages. The entries must be unpublished and have an extension which is not to be less than 600 verses nor longer than 1,300. The Prize is awarded annually, and is endowed with 1,000,000 ptas., and the publication of the winning work. The worldwide renown enjoyed by this Prize has made it possible for the awards ceremony to be celebrated in prestigious international settings such as the United Nations in New York, the Senate of France and UNESCO in Paris, the Municipality of Rome, The Gothic Hall of Cologne, the Museum of El Prado, the Municipality of Madrid, The Council Chambers of the Province of Bologna, and the Embassy of Spain before the Holy See.


Previously unpublished works of poetry originally written in either Spanish or English or translated into one of these two languages shall be eligible for the Fernando Rielo World Prize for Mystical Poetry.

Each entry must be presented by its author. The minimum length for entries shall be 600 lines, and the maximum length, 1300 lines. A given work of poetry may be presented only once for this yearly award.

The Prize shall be awarded for mystical poetry expressing the profound religious significance of man's spiritual values.

The Prize shall consist of 7,000 euros and the publication of the entry selected.

A single printed or typed copy of each entry, securely bond, shall be presented. If possible, entries should also be sent in an electronic version on a diskette or as an email attachment. The cover or first page shall bear the title of the work and the author's name, street address, telephone number, and email address, where applicable. The use of sealed entries and pseudonyms is thus prohibited.

The submission of the work will be done, preferably via electronic mail using a PDF format (another format will not be admitted) to

The deadline for submitting entries shall be October 15, 2010, and all entries postmarked on or before this date shall be accepted.

More information here.
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