2. The entry of not more than 500 words, either in English or in Filipino, may deal with any subject but it must be appropriate for grade-school reading level of children ages 7-12.
3. The entry must be in either Rich Text Format (.rtf) or in a Microsoft Word Document (.doc), double-spaced on 8.5” x 11” bond paper, with a one-inch margin on all sides. The font to be used may be Arial size 11, Times New Roman size 12, or Calibri size 12.
4. A separate document must include the following: the author’s name, pseudonym, a photo (preferably 1×1 or 2×2), a write-up about the author in 2-5 sentences, and the story’s synopsis not exceeding 100 words.
5. The entry must be attached to an e-mail sent to heights.english@gmail.com with the subject head KUWENTONG PAMBATA on or before June 7, 2010.
6. Any lack of required information means failure of submission and the work will not be deliberated.
7. One (1) entry for both English and Filipino will be selected as finalists.
8. Between the two chosen finalists, only one (1) winning entry will be chosen for publication as the KUWENTONG PAMBATA 2010. The said entry will be published as a children’s book, and illustrated by the Art and Design staffs of Heights.
9. For further inquiries, please contact us at heights.english@gmail.com with the same subject head.
(More information HERE.)