Vagabondage Press Seeks Novellas

07 April 2010
Vagabondage Press Seeks Novellas

We are currently open to submissions of novella length fiction for stand-alone publication in digital form, with possible consideration for print publication.

Vagabondage Press accepts queries all year round for novella and novel length work and only accepts queries by email.

What We're Looking For:

We are currently seeking well-written literary fiction of 15,000 to 50,000 words that explores the human experience. We hope to provide a safe space for authors who've gone underappreciated because the industry has led them to believe that they don't fit a particular format. We hold no editorial bias in regards to stories for or about individuals of any race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, or planet of origin.

By submitting your work, you guarantee that it is your own original work, you hold the copyright, that it does not infringe on existing copyright material, is not libelous and has not be previously published in any form.


Vagabondage Press LLC is a royalty paying digital and print publisher that offers 40% of our set cover price for digital release and 8% for print for the life of copyright, to include exclusive digital, print, audio, translation and secondary/subsidary rights. For multi-author works, the percentage will be allocated prorated by word count. Royalty payments will be issued semi-annually and a copy of the contract will be made available upon acceptance. There are no fees for editing or publishing. Vagabondage Press LLC does not accept agented submissions.

To Submit Work:

Please query by email to We do not accept mailed queries or manuscripts. Send a short query letter including a pitch statement about your novella, the word count, the genre and some information about yourself. Please list any prior publication credits, but don't be intimidated if you have none. We welcome unpublished authors.

Formatting Your Manuscript:

1) Name your manuscript with your name and title of the work.
2) Author name/pen name, address, phone number, email address, title, word count, and brief synopsis
should appear on the first page.
3) Word document (.doc) and Rich Text Files (.rtf) only - no pdf's, .wps or .docx files.
4) Times New Roman font, 11-12 pt.
5) All subsequent pages should have your name, title and page number in the header.

Please allow 60 days for review. It is our policy to respond to all queries, so if you haven't heard from us in 60 days, please feel free to inquire.

Please submit only one novella query at a time. We accept simultaneous submissions, but please notify us if your work is accepted and will be published elsewhere as soon as possible. Please notify us by email with the title of your work in the subject line.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at

(More information HERE.)
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