A Story from "The Journey of Om" by Chandru Bhojwani

20 April 2010
A Story from "The Journey of Om" by Chandru Bhojwani
The Love Letter

Her toes pinched the dew covered grass releasing the moisture over her pink nails. Placing her umbrella on the ground, Abby took a seat on nature’s luscious carpet. Minutes passed as she gazed out upon the grey horizon and watched the solitary souls meandering around the open field. After letting out a sigh, she turned toward the brown leather bag strapped to her shoulder, and pulled out the creased envelope. Once she had finished trying to iron out the wrinkles, Abby stared at the address. They had been together for over three years and she would’ve recognized his chicken scratch script in a second. Reminiscing of time spent trying to decipher his cryptic writing brought a smile to her face. Her manicured finger brushed past the carpet of stamps at the corner of the envelope.

Raising her head, she looked around to see if anyone was near. Flipping the envelope over, Abby opened the flap and pulled out the piece of paper.


‘My Dearest Love,

I miss you terribly! I can’t stop thinking of you, so much so that I decided to write you this letter just so I can express how I feel. In a strange way it allows me to feel closer to you. Do you know each time I hang up with you, I miss you even more? It’s just a vicious circle and all I know is that I’m addicted to you.

I’m so sorry I had to rush off right after the wedding and I know this is not what you wanted or expected but I promise, once I return we’ll have the honeymoon you’ve always wanted. It kills me to know that instead of being in this hole of a place, I could be with you right now consummating our marriage over and over and over. We should be ‘christening’ each and every room of our home, instead I’m sitting here, deprived and incredibly ‘frustrated’! Anyway after a lot of thinking and realization, I’ve decided to cut my trip short and come back early. SURPRISE! There is so much I want to tell you, to share with but I can’t wait.

As cliché as this sounds, know that there is no greater truth, the best day of my life was when you said ‘yes’. Before I met you, I felt lost. Everyday was just another day, life was stagnant and I was drifting along. There was nothing I could do to shake the emptiness within but all that changed when you came into my life. At first I was skeptical, I didn’t know how long it would last. It was just too good to be true so I was apprehensive but you stuck by me, you saw deeper within and even when times were rough and boy were they rough, you hung on and never gave up. You allowed me to grow, to dream, to strive for a better life and to improve as a person. You made me a better man and for that, I thank you and love you.

The day I truly realized what I had in you, a surge of fear went through me. Why? Because this whole time I never appreciated you the way you deserved and for the first time I thought about how life would be if I lost you. Till today, even after you’ve committed to me and proudly carry my last name, the thought of not being with you makes me sick to my stomach. There is no greater fear.

I want you to know you are in every thought. When I gaze out of the window while on the train or bus, I think about you being there with your nose against the window just taking in all the surroundings. While I walk through the local market places, I imagine you clinging to my arm like a child while exploring the bazaar with your wide eyes. I picture you attempting to communicate with the natives and struggling to comprehend their colloquial English. Each thought of you leaves me dazed with a smile.

I can’t stop dreaming of our future, of what I want experience and share with you. I want us to climb Mount Kilimanjaro and make love under the stars, to go on safari in Kenya, to visit the pyramids in Egypt, to take a cruise through Alaska, to walk the great wall of China, to visit the beaches and temples at Bali, to dive off the coasts of Mauritius and South Africa. I dream of holding you close on a winter night and watching reruns of the Cosby show as we lay in bed and share a hot chocolate. My dreams are never ending.

I can’t wait to start a family with you, to have a child that has the best of us, to raise him (or her) together. To make you breakfast in bed with him on mothers day, to spray you and him with the hose in our garden, to tease you with him as I blame you for any awful stench, to have him sleep between us, to see your beauty in him.

I can’t wait to stand behind you and wrap my arms around your waist and hold you close, to feel your smooth golden brown skin against my touch, to inhale the scent of your hair, to nestle my head in to your neck and lay a gentle kiss leaving you blanketed with goose bumps. I can’t wait to place my hand on your soft cheek and kiss you, to wake up every morning and find you lying next to me.

I could keep going but my hand is killing me! The point is after being away I realized how much there is I want to share with you and every moment away from you is a waste. The best part of my life is you and life for me has just begun!

The good news is I found a pilot willing to fly me to the main airport tonight. Provided there are no delays, I should be able to get on the direct flight tomorrow morning. I’ll probably land in the city in the evening. I can’t wait to have you in my arms.

I’m drowning in you…

Chris ’

The blue ink merged with the tears and began to run. Abby covered her mouth and wept with her eyes shut. Her torso heaved with every sob as she tried to muffle her wailing. She brought the letter to her aching chest and leaned forward towards the ground. Her salt laden tears dripped silently on to the moist grass. Moments passed before she reached out and pulled herself up while placing her tear stained face upon the cold surface. Her fingers caressed the engravings in the grey stone,

‘Come back to me….’ Her voice cracked, ‘please, just come back.’

Chandru Born in Africa, was raised between Nigeria, India and the UK. After graduating with Masters in International Business and Management, he moved to New York where he worked for three years as a Business Development Manager. In 2002, Chandru returned to Nigeria where he currently resides and runs a trading company. He has been a part of the Beyond Sindh magazine writing team since May 2004 and has published numerous articles and short stories in the quarterly publication. Chandru’s novel 'The Journey of Om' was recently published by Pustak Mahal and is currently available in India. For more information visit www.chandrubhojwani.com.
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