On the Premise Writing Contest

16 April 2010
On the Premise Writing Contest
Note there is NO FEE for entering our contests. If you have any questions, write to Questions@OnThePremises.com.

1. Your story MUST be based on the current contest premise. Please make the connection between your story and the contest premise obvious! The more obvious, the better. Your entry will lose points (seriously!) if we have to work hard to figure out how it uses the premise.

2. Your story MUST NOT have been published elsewhere in any format, not even on a blog. However, it is okay to send us a story that has been posted to an on-line criticism board that requires a password or similar membership mechanism. In fact, we encourage using such boards, as long as they are only available to official members. Getting critiqued is good!

3. Your story’s length MUST be between 1,000 words and 5,000 words. Titles don’t count towards the word limits unless they’re so long we think you’re trying to get away with something. End-of-story markers like [end] also don’t count.

4. Your story MUST be e-mailed to us within the time period specified for the contest you’re entering.

5. One submission per author per contest. If you submit two entries before a contest deadline, the second one replaces the first.

To enter, send an e-mail with your story as an attachment to Entries@OnThePremises.com.

1. In the BODY of the e-mail, tell us the name of your story, and give us all your contact information. This e-mail should also contain language to the effect that your story is an original, unpublished work and that, as far as you know, you have not committed plagiarism. Here’s a template you can download and use for the body of your e-mail.

2. The story itself MUST be an attachment saved in plain text format (.txt), Rich Text Format (.rtf), or Microsoft Word (.doc) format. No .wps files, please! Your attachment should contain only the story’s title, the story itself, and an ending marker like [end]. Do not put personally identifying information (your name, e-mail address, etc.) in the attachment.

Deadline: 11:59 PM Eastern Time, Sunday, May 30, 2010.

(More information HERE.)
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