JLF Writing Competition

06 April 2010
JLF Writing Competition
This is an international call:

Win $1,000 in cash! Gain exposure with your writing skills and talent! Catch the attention of prospective editors and publishers!
JLF Writing Competition was created for the purpose of identifying talents in literature through competition, with the intent to evaluate and maintain the success of each competition by selecting the best, compensating them, preparing them for organised programs, to sustain and groom the winners!


1ST PRIZE WINNER will be awarded $1,000 cash and opportunity to write scripts for T.V Soap opera, journals and Novels.
2ND AND 3RD PLACE WINNERS will receive $500 and $250 respectively.
The first 20 winners will receive consolation prizes and the organization itself would have a monthly published magazine where they will be opportune to contribute.
WINNERS will be listed on this site and the Parent site respectively.


* Drama
* Romance
* Crime
* Traditional
* Religion
* Nature
* Scientific/science fiction
* Thriller


* The competition is open to ALL regardless of age.
* The catchments area for both competitors and audience is universal.
* The only criterion is ability to be original and able to write effectively driving home your themes with impact on societal occurrences and views.

(More information HERE.)
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