Hong Kong Writers' Circle's Postcard Story Competition

12 April 2010
Hong Kong Writers' Circle's Postcard Story Competition
The HKWC is kicking off the call for submissions for its next anthology, The Long & The Short Of It, with a postcard story competition.

For the internet generation, the writing of postcards is becoming a lost art. We're travelling further than ever but all our friends back home see are blog posts, emails and the never-ending Facebook status update. Needless to say, we're craving a little old-fashioned snail mail.

So please send a literary postcard story, relating to some aspect of Hong Kong, to Simon Overton and Melanie Ho at sccoverton@gmail.com. The connection to the city can be obvious or abstract. Only one story per entrant is allowed and the maximum length of the story is 250 words, fiction or non-fiction. The deadline is 30 April 2010.

Please email your story to the above address as a standard Word document. The judging will be blind so please include the following details in your covering email NOT in the story itself: your name, the story name, your contact number and your email address.

Entries are open to members and non-members. Please note that only entries from fully paid-up members of the HKWC are eligible for publication in the HKWC anthology but ALL entrants are eligible for prizes (Dymocks vouchers of an amount yet to be decided!). There is no fee to enter and all judging decisions are final.

The HKWC hopes to collate long and short pieces of fiction writing, or stories on the theme of long and short, with a view to publishing a collection of the work within the next 12 months.

To oil the creative process for the postcard competition, a special edition of the HKWC Just Write workshops will be held from 7:30 pm on Monday 19 April at the Fringe Club. If you have a submission ready, bring it to the workshop for a critique. If not, bring a pencil and come along to write your entry on the spot (you can take it home to polish!). Please contact Simon on sccoverton@gmail.com if you wish to attend.
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