PAMLA (Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association) is the western regional affiliate of MLA. This year’s conference will be held at Chaminade University, Honolulu, Hawaii, on November 13-14, 2010. Composition and Rhetoric, a standing session, invites papers addressing contemporary issues and ideas involving rhetorical theory and composition studies. Of particular interest are papers on the following topics:
1. Technology and media in the composition classroom
2. The composition process outside the composition classroom
3. The role of libraries in the composition process
4. Identity and the Composition Process
5. New directions in composition and rhetoric studies
Paper proposals of 500 words and a 40-word abstract, due by April 5, 2010, must be submitted via PAMLA's Online Proposal Submission Form:
For more information, please visit the PAMLA 2010 website:
Who May Submit:
Professors in academia who are interested in the relationship between Literature and Culture, world-wide. Submissions by international scholars are welcome to ensure a variety of topics in this issue. Please identify your submission with keyword: LITERATURE-2
Can culture influence what kind of literary genres are produced/ published?
1. How does literature convey culture?
2. Can local/foreign culture in literature help in (re)shaping identity? Does literature help making specific cultures global?
3. How do professors and students define and perceive culture in literature classes?
Any new and fresh topics are welcome.
Submission deadline:
any time until the end of May 2010; see details for other deadline options like early, regular, and short.
Submission Procedure:
1. Technology and media in the composition classroom
2. The composition process outside the composition classroom
3. The role of libraries in the composition process
4. Identity and the Composition Process
5. New directions in composition and rhetoric studies
Paper proposals of 500 words and a 40-word abstract, due by April 5, 2010, must be submitted via PAMLA's Online Proposal Submission Form:
For more information, please visit the PAMLA 2010 website:
Who May Submit:
Professors in academia who are interested in the relationship between Literature and Culture, world-wide. Submissions by international scholars are welcome to ensure a variety of topics in this issue. Please identify your submission with keyword: LITERATURE-2
Can culture influence what kind of literary genres are produced/ published?
1. How does literature convey culture?
2. Can local/foreign culture in literature help in (re)shaping identity? Does literature help making specific cultures global?
3. How do professors and students define and perceive culture in literature classes?
Any new and fresh topics are welcome.
Submission deadline:
any time until the end of May 2010; see details for other deadline options like early, regular, and short.
Submission Procedure: