Milkweed's Prize for Fiction and Children's Literature

23 March 2010
Milkweed's Prize for Fiction and Children's Literature
Milkweed Editions is happy to accept unsolicited manuscripts from authors of all backgrounds.

Milkweed National Fiction Prize
Milkweed is looking for manuscripts of high literary quality that embody humane values and contribute to cultural understanding.


Milkweed has restructured the prize: in the past we have solicited manuscripts specifically for the contest, but for all future contests, Milkweed Editions will award the National Fiction Prize to the best work of fiction Milkweed accepts for publication during each calendar year by a writer not previously published by Milkweed Editions. Submission directly to the contest is no longer necessary. Since we will now be choosing the winner from the manuscripts we accept for publication during a given year, all manuscripts submitted to Milkweed will automatically be considered for the prize. Judging will be by Milkweed Editions editors, and the winner of the prize will receive a $5,000 cash advance as part of any royalties agreed upon in the contractual arrangement negotiated at the time of acceptance.

Milkweed Prize for Children’s Literature
Milkweed Editions invites writers to submit their works of fiction for middle-grade readers for the Milkweed Prize for Children’s Literature. The winning author will receive a $10,000 advance against royalties and join a growing list of award-winning children’s authors.


Milkweed Editions will award the Milkweed Prize for Children’s Literature to the best manuscript for children ages 8 to 13 that Milkweed accepts for publication during the calendar year by a writer not previously published by Milkweed. All children’s manuscripts submitted for publication by Milkweed are automatically entered into the competition. Judging will be by Milkweed Editions; the winner of the prize will receive a $10,000 cash advance as part of any royalties agreed upon in the contractual arrangement negotiated at the time of acceptance. Milkweed Editions reserves the right not to award the prize for a particular year. We are now accepting submissions for the 2010 prize.

(More information HERE.)
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