Call for Papers: Enmity and Amity (Exploring Practices and Politics of Relational Life in South Asia)

23 March 2010
Call for Papers: Enmity and Amity (Exploring Practices and Politics of Relational Life in South Asia)
The conference will explore the relationship between enmity and amity in South Asia. Following the assertion made by Veena Das (2007) that violence and peace not only critically inform one another, but are rarely ever distinct onto themselves, this conference will seek to bridge the space between these often conceptually distinct spheres of study.

Undoubtedly, the social and political landscape of South Asia has been distinctly shaped by violence, not least during the process of Partition. Since then, assassinations, riots, pogroms, border conflicts and acts of “terrorism” have created not only a material, but a metaphorical impact that has at times symbolically shifted subjects into objects through imparting identities inscribed by such instances. But violence is not an all-consuming feature of South Asian life. Extensive spaces of amity and peaceful possibilities construct its social and political topography.

This conference welcomes works that deal with spaces of non-violence and amity not as the absence of violence and enmity, but as constituted through process in which relations are actively created and successfully sustained through negotiations, diplomacy, friendship and cooperation. Both critical and creative responses to shifting spaces of violence and non-violence are encouraged, as well as research that opens up the ethical and moral implications that such liminality affords. Further, we actively welcome research from a variety of locations within South Asia and its diaspora and from a range disciplinary perspectives. Contributions may approach the theme from a theoretical, empirical or creative angle.

If interested please submit a short abstract of up to 300 words for papers or creative work by April 12, 2010. Early expressions of interest are welcomed. Entrants will be notified of the decision by April 16, 2010 and participants will be invited to submit a complete paper by June 16, 2010, one week before the workshop. Postgraduate and early career domestic travel bursaries will be available.

Expressions of interest, abstracts or questions should be directed to Philippa Williams and Beenish Ahmed

(More information HERE.)
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