A Thousand Tiny S*xes Call For Submissions

23 February 2010
A Thousand Tiny S*xes Call For Submissions
A Thousand Tiny S*xes is a print publication project that seeks to reimagine s*x (s*x as in “biological s*x”, not the act of s*x) as political, economic, legal, cultural, and biological categories.

We are seeking 1000 creative definitions, instructions and personal micro-stories of s*x in text format. We want you to (re)imagine s*x and to (re)define it. We are interested in collecting submissions that come from a wide variety of perspectives and speak to the different ways that people imagine and engage with s*x in everyday life. Please carefully read the “Why S*x?” section below and take a look at some of the accepted entries before submitting.

We are looking for:
1)Stories- We are seeking stories about an experience that changed your s*x, or made you think about s*x in a new way. These can be cultural, social, observational or experiential.

2) Instructions- We are seeking instructions for readers to change their s*x (temporarily or forever).

3) Definitions- We are seeking creative definitions of the word “s*x”.

We will collect submissions until we have accepted 1000 submissions. The results will be published as a book. Send your submissions to submissions (at) 1000tinys*xes (dot) com .

Why S*x?

This project seeks to create a collective reimagining of s*x and gender as biological, legal, political, economic and cultural categories. We want to catalyze creative thinking about the ways that s*x is multiple (more than just MALE and FEMALE) and the ways that s*x is performative, embodied, durational, contextual and contingent. We want people to use the resulting publication to experiment with tiny ways to think outside of the s*x/gender box, as an educational tool, and as a reference.

This is not to say that everyone can be all s*xes, or that s*x is a fashion choice that you can simply put on when you wake up.

S*x is not always biological, and this is why we have chosen to ask for submissions defining s*x instead of gender. We do not believe that s*x and gender can be distinguished in a clean, nature/nurture kind of way. S*x is always socially constructed and mutable. Gender is always embodied and biological. S*xgender is always infinitely mutable and embodied, constructed and biological in thousands of tiny ways. We welcome your thoughts about this.

Visit A Thousand Tiny S*xes HERE.
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