Kartika Review: An Asian American Literary Journal

28 February 2010
Kartika Review: An Asian American Literary Journal
The editorial board reviews submissions on a rolling basis. Thus, we accept submissions by electronic mail year-round. To submit, manuscripts must be formatted in a file type compatible with MS Word. We further request that the manuscripts be typed double-spaced and set up with 1-inch margins. Include a cover letter addressed to the relevant editor and a resume or curriculum vitae with each submission. We accept manuscripts with the understanding that the content has not been published elsewhere.

Please submit all works and queries to kartika.review [at] gmail [dot] com.

When submitting, please specify which genre your manuscript falls under:

Fiction | Attn: Christine Lee Zilka
Short stories, experimental or interpretive works of fiction, flash fiction and micro-fiction pieces fall under our category of fiction. We give due consideration to all submissions, but we strongly prefer works under 7,500 words.

Poetry | Attn: Kenji Liu
Narrative, prose, or lyrical poetry, free verse, eastern or western poetic forms, or works meant as spoken word are all welcome as poetry. We give due consideration to all submissions, but we strongly prefer works under 2,500 words.

Creative Nonfiction | Attn: Jennifer Derilo
For creative nonfiction, we are particularly interested in work (memoir, reportage, letters, essay, etc.) that touches on themes including--but not limited to--identity, memory, family, culture, history, trauma, dislocation. Alternative formats and subject matter are nonetheless welcome. We give due consideration to all submissions, but we strongly prefer works under 7,500 words.

(More information HERE.)
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