I tell you, this night is nude.
Christmas lights fiery in the brazen boulevard. Malfunction
me, Christine. The red of this cigar
creates a cusp
of an action, distraction. Mauve
maudlin bar statues a moll
down south of the east wing
of a northern Manila mall. Suction
this tropes and soap opera
voice, truant as a pencil
of a ten year old taken
by a hobo buying amoxicillin
in Pedro Gil.
I tell you, this night is.
I tell you, this night is nude.
Christmas lights fiery in the brazen boulevard. Malfunction
me, Christine. The red of this cigar
creates a cusp
of an action, distraction. Mauve
maudlin bar statues a moll
down south of the east wing
of a northern Manila mall. Suction
this tropes and soap opera
voice, truant as a pencil
of a ten year old taken
by a hobo buying amoxicillin
in Pedro Gil.
I tell you, this night is.