Khmer Studies

13 January 2010
Khmer Studies
Khmer Studies
Email Address:
Editor/Consultant: Lois de Menil
Country: Cambodia
Type: Institution

Description: The Center for Khmer Studies’ (CKS) mission is to promote research, teaching and public service in the social sciences, arts and humanities as they relate to Cambodia. While promoting scholarly interest in the region, we also aim to connect Cambodian scholars, students and artists with their international colleagues for the purpose of fostering understanding of Cambodia and Southeast Asia. CKS is the first and only member institution of the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) in Southeast Asia. Our programs are based in two offices in Cambodia: our headquarters in Siem Reap-Angkor and in the capital, Phnom Penh. We also maintain an administrative office in New York City and a support office in Paris, Les Amis du Centre d’Etudes Khméres where it is registered as an Association Loi 1901.

(Directory entry)
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